CJIS Audit Unit (CAU)

(L-R, Steve Steiner, Deputy CJIS Systems Officer, Seneca Chavis, Background Investigative Specialist,
Amber McDonald, CJIS Auditor, Derek Holbert, CJIS ISO, Beverly Carter, Program Support Specialist)

Welcome! The CAU program oversees the implementation of the NIGC’s external and internal compliance strategies to achieve and demonstrate compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and NIGC concerning Noncriminal Justice Fingerprint Submissions.  CAU audit staff deliver training, technical assistance and conduct selective audits/investigations of those tribes with an executed, suspended, or terminated MOU with the NIGC regarding Criminal History Record Information (CHRI).

The CAU can be reached by email: cau@nigc.gov
To request CJIS training, please complete the Training and Technical Assistance Request Form here.

Memorandum of Understanding MOU:

This MOU memorializes the NIGC’s and the TGRA’s understandings and responsibilities regarding the submission of noncriminal justice fingerprints and the transmittal, receipt, storage, use, and dissemination of CJI and CHRI.

Local Agency Security Officer (LASO) Handbook

This handbook is a tool and not meant to be duplicated word for word but is intended to guide the LASO and staff to understand the responsibilities of being an authorized recipient of FBI CHRI. Please utilize this tool to develop your own policies and procedures according to your specific practices and systems. 

Compliance with 25 C.F.R. §§ 502, 556 and 558


Bulletins provide program-related guidance to tribes, tribal regulators and gaming operations, for example, fee rates, fingerprint submission and guidance on Agreed Upon Procedures submission. Bulletins may also restate existing policy or procedure to provide further clarification.

Awareness Training (AT) Information:

All users with authorized access to CJI should be made aware of their individual responsibilities and expected behavior when accessing CJI and the systems which process CJI.

Outsourcing Agreement Resources:

Prior to engaging in outsourcing any noncriminal justice administrative functions with a Contractor, an Authorized Recipient (Tribe/TGRA) must request and receive written permission from the FBI Compact Officer.

CJIS Security Policy (CJISSecPol) Sample Checklists:

The CJISSecPol policy areas focus upon the data and services that the FBI CJIS Division exchanges and provides to the criminal justice community and its partners. Each policy area provides both strategic reasoning and tactical implementation requirements and standards.

These sample checklists are audit tools that Tribes can use to self-assess compliance with the CJISSecPol.

Sample Forms and Policies:

Helpful Resources: